Also known as Shared Hosting – Here is where most start out. You will require a domain to get started and will usually take a few minutes (under an hour) to be ready for you to access.
We got a little ahead of ourselves. Before you even talk to a sales rep or push that buy now button, we need to see just what they are offering.
Back in the early days of web hosting, you would just look for the lowest cost provider with the most uptime boasted.
That does still hold true, however, now you also have to look at what else they offer. Do you have to do everything from scratch or is everything installed and ready to go? What other features do they offer?
Here is where WebTerritory comes in, if you came to us first then no worries (even if you didn’t), we’ll sort out and handle everything for you. All you have to do is add your content.
Here’s a tip – does the hosting provider allow/offer website migration?
Usually, if they offer some sort of control panel access of your own with the ability to import/export or backup your site in its entirety, then you have a fully hosted site that’s not part of a larger site.